Nickelfox Blog on Latest Technologies
‘Great teams make great products’ - David Fradin

Nickelfox Blog on Latest Technologies

In the last few years, we have reconfigured our offerings, taking a human-centred approach to design and technology.We have partnered with the United Nations, The NY Times, ITC, Gucci, GE, Dunzo, MyGov, and others to deliver successful software solutions.

The rise of smartphones and mobile apps has been a great influence on how the modern world interacts with digital technology. This is evident with a whopping 7.1 billion smartphone users worldwide in 2021, which is to reach 7.49 billion in 2025. These simple tech gadgets have...

Smartphones are now an important part of our daily lives, both personally and professionally. They are crucial for communication, accessing information, and utilizing services from banking to booking. However, as our dependence on them grows, our exposure to ever-changing security threats increases. With our smartphones...

Towards sustainable development in technology, the US government recently took a pioneering step to avoid space junk. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued its first-ever fine to a company, Dish Network, for failing to manage space debris around the Earth’s orbit. This action sheds light...

The rise of AI-powered apps has transformed technology. AI, once a sci-fi idea, now drives innovative solutions in various fields. This growth results from more data, better machine learning, and powerful hardware. The AI software market for app development is anticipated to attain a market...

Artificial intelligence (AI), the new-age technology, has emerged as a game-changer across industries. From healthcare and finance to entertainment and customer service, the potential of AI is undeniable. AI-driven applications encompassing predictive analytics, natural language processing (NLP), and computer vision are transforming the course of...

The e-commerce landscape’s success revolves around your e-commerce store’s ability to quickly and accurately show up in users’ search queries. However, the conventional keyword-oriented search systems often don’t quite measure up to modern user expectations. Here comes Generative AI, a transformative technology reshaping how users...

In the fast-paced app development world, fierce competition and rising user expectations make personalized UX and user engagement crucial. AI technology helps apps seamlessly adapt to users’ needs by analyzing their behavior, preferences, and feedback. This not only enhances the user experience but also leads...

Dreaming big? Let Nickelfox be your one-stop destination for turning visions into successful business endeavors. With our comprehensive technology support, staff augmentation, and venture capital funding, your dreams are closer than ever.

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