Prashish Chauhan

Prashish Chauhan

Prashish Chauhan, affectionately known as Prai, is a seasoned product engineering expert with over 15 years of rich experience in the IT services industry. Prai’s expertise encompasses product branding, user experience design, and animation. Stellar in motion graphic design, and photography, Prai is well-versed in major design tools, covering the entire spectrum of modern design platforms. Prai also harbours a deep interest in the future of AI and its potential across varied industries and sectors. Prai is quizzical by nature and has a quirk for finding user-experience solutions in day-to-day issues. He aims to transform business ideas into tangible reality with impactful products. Prai represents a blend of technical expertise and creative flair, a perfect catalyst for turning imagination into innovation.

Blog Posts

Google's YouTube & DeepMind Unveil 3 AI Music Generation Tools
A Look into Google DeepMind’s New AI Tools for Music Generation

Music, a global language connecting people, is a powerful form of expression. At first, AI had trouble understanding the details of human music like melody and rhythm. Now, Google DeepMind, working with YouTube, has developed advanced AI music models that overcome these challenges. Google DeepMind’s